Our professional tracker, Sam from PureGold Pet Trackers (http://www.puregoldpettrackers.com/), has confirmed Olivia's scent is still in the area.
We are begging and pleading for your help to bring her home! If you see her, please contact us at 240.723.6893 or 617.947.5627.
A Forever Home is offering a reward for her safe return, and covering expenses for her search. Please consider a tax-deductible donation on the Chip-In Fund.
Olivia Search Team
Where in DC? I can't find any info on the neighborhood or area where she is lost.
SW / waterfront. Please see map of tracks below. Thank you.
I accompanied the tracker on 11/29 & have searched every Thursday (I am in the area for work) since then using the same route as a guide. Is Olivia traversing the identical area still? Is she surviving because of the feeding stations? How fresh was the scent from the last tracking? I will continue to look but any in depth details could be helpful.
Hi Paul. Thanks so much for your help. We're still trying to determine if the feeding station action is from Olivia or from another animal. Hopefully the track today can clear some of that up, along with the paw prints I saw yesterday. I'll make sure we post the latest track info online ASAP so you have all the latest data. Thanks again for your help!
Oh, Paul, in the mean time until we get the new track, the known tracks so far do have her doing the same route moving along H St SW, heading down 2nd St SW, and doing the loop around fort mcnair/coast guard area.
Thanks for the update. If you need any back up in your searches, I sent Laura our ph # 11/23/2010 to her gmail address. Give us a call
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