
This sweetie turned out not to be Olivia, but a picture like this with Olivia would be identical.

Sweet, lovey Livvie

Sweet, lovey Livvie
My favorite picture of Olivia

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Track: Olivia Has Moved Further East

Sam & Salsa's track today put Olivia still near the Randall Recreation Center in SW, but also tracking much further to the east within the last week -- mainly along M St SW and SE (past Navy Yard and heading toward Eastern Market). We'll post the exact track in the next day or two. We also found several very large paw prints all along the tracked route today.

We'll be putting up new fliers this week, which we hope will bring in a new sighting of Olivia soon!


Michael said...

What were the results from the cameras? Were any pictures taken of Olivia at any of the feeding stations?

Unknown said...

Yes- I agree- what are the results of the camera's? I hope you find her soon!! Been following her/your progress!! Good Luck!!

allisonjhazen said...

Hey there. So sorry for the delay in responding. We were out yesterday, spotted more tracks, and have been focusing on the new location.

Olivia was unfortunately not on the film, but we did find a flew of other wildlife, including a fox!

The latest paw prints are huge and about 100 feet from Salsa's last track, so we're going to head out in the morning and verify whether they're Olivia's or not. Keep your fingers crossed.

- Ally